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Responsive Carousel built with the latest Bootstrap 5. We will discuss full width boostrap carousel slider and bootstrap carousel with multiple items. Bootstrap 4 Carousel with Multiple Items. The best free carousel snippets available. Active 2 years, 10 months ago. কোর্সটি করতে শিক্ষাগত ব্যাকগ্রাউন্ড কেমন থাকা লাগবে? … Check it out now. See online demo and code. Use flex classes to control the layout of Bootstrap 4 components. You're able to config the carousel with the following data attributes: data-items: how many items to show on different screen sizes (data-items="xs,sm,md,lg"). 4. Solved programs: Paradise Slider – Responsive Bootstrap Carousel Plugin; Responsive Bootstrap Carousel; Upgrade Your … এই কোর্সে কি WordPress বা Freelancing সম্পর্কে কিছু আছে? viniciusmachado106 / multiple-item-bootstrap-carousel.html. Multiple code examples: fade animation, mutliple items, image size, with thumbnails, vertical & many more the content items were stacked on top of each other. An example of creating multi-item carousel. ScrollSpy - Improved: Upgraded scrollspy HTML/CSS/JS to Bootstrap 4. Previous Next. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et. You can add other controls to the items if you want and … Embed. তুমি যদি প্রতিদিন ১ থেকে দেড় ঘন্টা ধরে ভিডিও দেখো, তার সাথে সাথে মিনিমাম, ৪ থেকে ৬ ঘন্টা প্রাকটিস করো, তাহলে তোমার দুই মাসের মতো সময় লাগবে।, তবে মাঝে মধ্যে হোমওয়ার্ক আর টেক এওয়ে প্রজেক্ট এর জন্য বাড়তি সময় বরাদ্ধ রাখতে হবে। হার্ডওয়ার্ক করার মেন্টালিটি নিয়ে আসতে হবে। ফাঁকিবাজি বা শর্টকাট করার কোন উপায় নাই।. The carousel code snippet provided on the Bootstrap 4 documentation has the class .img-fluid which would require you to use large images that scale down to mobile. We design web pages to create an attractive web page that can be made good by dicing the web page with the Coursol sliders. Find the Bootstrap carousel that best fits your project. Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) These NFL players use their star power to make a difference; Weekend Movie Releases – February 5th – February 7th Flexbox . All gists Back to GitHub Sign in Sign up Sign in Sign up {{ message }} Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. See the JSFIDDLE to see how this works. License. W3schools slider image code example slideshow bootstrap 4 carousel multiple items how to make a car in html autoplay javascript Bootstrap Snippets Library / Carousels Examples Bootstrap 3 responsive carousel multiple items per slide. class="row">). 2,719 talking about this. Bootstrap 4 Carousel Multiple Items Per Slide Responsive The carousel is a slideshow for cycling through a series of content, built with CSS 3D transforms and a bit of JavaScript. More than that, columns will stack no matter the viewport. সো, এক্ষুণি কোর্সে এনরোল করে ঝাঁপিয়ে পড়ো। তোমার লাইফের নতুন মিশন। হার্ডওয়ার্ক করবে তুমি। গাইডলাইন আর সাপোর্ট দিবো আমরা। পারলে ঠেকা! Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) Weekend Movie Releases – February 5th – February 7th Bootstrap's grid system is responsive, and the columns will re-arrange depending on the screen size: On a big screen it might look better with the content organized in three columns, but on a small screen it would be better if the content items were stacked on top of each other. The bootstrap carousel responsive that comes with Bootstrap 4 plugin is pretty good, but it isn’t fullscreen. URL List - Free ebook download as Text File (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or read book online for free. I changed the class names to id, because it was overlapping with the previous carousel. Bootstrap Carousel Multiple Items. - New feature: Added the ability to set the flexbox order The order property specifies the order of an object in a flex container or flex grid relative to the rest of the items inside the same container. Each illustration element must be wrapped inside a .carousel-item which is a brand new class for Bootstrap 4 Framework-- the previous version used to implement the .item class which wasn't so much natural-- we guess that is certainly the reason currently it's substituted . Um Ihnen passende Suchergebnisse zuschicken zu können, wird Ihre E-Mail-Adresse und Ihre Suchanfrage von uns gespeichert und verarbeitet. Try and test HTML code online in a simple and easy way using our free HTML editor and see the results in real-time. The problem you have at the moment is that the carousel has the container class applied and is, therefore, adding a fixed width to the element. For example, three equal columns would use three, Column widths are in percentage, so they are always fluid and sized relative to their parent element. Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. It’s a quick and … How to get ready for this course, 0.1 Welcome to Complete Web Development Course, 0.2 Overview of the course with Milestones and Projects, 0.3 How to use Programming Hero Course Website, 0.4 How to ask for help in the support group, 0.5 Install Visual Studio Code where you will write code, 0.6 Install git scm, the version control system you will use, 0.7 Install Node that will be used in the future, 0.8 How to take care of the video buffering, 1.1 Getting started with your first ever website, 1.2 HTML language, markup, tags structure, paragraph tag, 1.4 Heading tag, different types of headings, 1.5 HTML tag attribute, anchor, href, navigate, 1.6 Display image (online image, local image, folder image), 1.7 List, Container tag, ordered list, unordered list, 1.8 Button, input, div, span, w3schools, every html tags, 1.9 HTML structure, head, body, title, meta tag, 1.10 HTML Module Summary, 4 types of HTML tags, 2.1 Introduction to CSS Module, getting started with CSS, 2.2 Style tag, embedded style, named color, hexcode, rgb, 2.3 Background-color, height, width, font, css measuring units, 2.4 CSS ID, apply styles to a specific HTML element, 2.5 CSS class, apply styles to multiple elements, ID vs Class, 2.6 Style a group of elements, style a small portion of text, 2.7 Border, border radius, margin, different ways to set margin, 2.8 Padding, different ways to set padding, CSS Box model, 2.9 Text align, float, display, inline, block, inline-block, external CSS, 3 Git, source control, GitHub and hosting, 3.2 Install git, create GitHub repository, 3.3 Git init, git add, git commit, set origin, 3.5 How to use Github Desktop software to use Github, 3.6 [advanced: feel free to skip] Git branch and this will confuse you, 3.7 Common git related issues faced by new github users, 3.8 [advanced: feel free to skip] GitHub hosting complicated things, 3_5 [Bonus] CSS Extra hover, position, specificity, homework, 3_5.1 pseudoclass part hover all elements, hover special, 3_5.2 pseudoclass focus first child, last child, nth child, visited, 3_5.4 css position static relative absolute fixed, 3_5.5 CSS specificity style order style priority, 4 Build a beautiful and professional portfolio website, 4.1 Module Introduction, overview of the site you will build, 4.2 Setup and resources needed to start your first ever project, 4.3 Create HTML, link CSS, set title, span tag style, 4.4 Simple image background remove, set fancy background, 4.5 Float, Create container, Put two div side by side, Image size, 4.6 Background Image, Background-repeat, neutralize default style, 4.7 Link Button, target blank, text-decoration, linear gradient, 4.8 Dream image, half-width, background remove, 4.9 Dream area, dream text and download resume link button, 4.10 Experience Area, text highlight, meaningful class name, 4.11 Box shadow, border image, gradient angle, footer, 4.12 Website hosting, live portfolio link, portfolio summary, 5 Personal website, build a brand new website, 5.1 Personal website, build a complete website by yourself, 6 HTML 5 Semantic tags, audio, video, table, form, 6.1 audio, video, youtube video, Audio video (iframe), 6.2 HTML5 Semantic tags section article aside mark, 6.3 html table tbody thead td th caption and table style, 6.4 html form input label fieldset legend textarea submit, 6.5 others (favicon comments attributes option closing tag ), 7 CSS3 overflow, transition, transform, flexbox, grid layout, 7.3 Optimize images, types of images, svg, png, jpg, 7.4 css transform and use multiple transform at the same time, 7.6 Create simple cricket match with transition and transform, 7.7 css animation and bounce effect with balls, 7.8 flexbox, flex direction justify content align items, 7.9 CSS Grid layout template columns grid gap, 7.10 create calendar using css grid and flex box, 7.11 css media query based on device and using flexbox, 7.12 CSS3 and intermediate css module summary, 8.1 Module Introduction, Purpose of Bootstrap, 8.3 Buttons, text color, background corlor, color pallate, 8.4 Image, Responsive image, width style, image thumbnail, 8.5 Website card, card design, card image, card deck, 8.6 Nav tag, Navigation, nav bar, use ul-li for navigation, 8.8 Grid layout, row, column, 12 column layout, 8.9 Responsive Grid, responsive break point, 8.10 Top banner animation, Image slide, Carousel, 8.11 Flex Layout, Element align, vertical and horizontal center, 8_5 Develop an e-commerce website using Bootstrap, 8_5.1 Website overview and different section that you will build, 8_5.2 Project setup, github repository, project resources, 8_5.3 Container, navbar, navbar item, links, 8_5.4 Simple top banner carousel, set image for carousel, 8_5.5 Advanced carousel with row and column divide, 8_5.6 Vertical center in carousel item, button style, 8_5.7 Categories, column gap, category in each row, 8_5.8 Shoe Category, card-deck, card box shadow, 8_5.9 Backpack Category, card footer, align button, 8_5.10 Subscribe Section, Horizontal and vertical center, 8_5.11 Footer, small tag, text center align, 9 Hot Gadgets, e-commerce website by yourself, 9.1 Hot Gadgets, e-commerce website by yourself, 10.1 Electronic school Responsive bootstrap landing page assignment, 11.1 css position more explanation relative absolute, 11.2 Apply relative position in a photo album, 11.3 Apply transition transform in a practical situation, 11.4 CSS Grid Layout Extra explanation and compare with flexbox, 11.5 More discussion about display inline block inline-block, 11.6 git feature branch and bug fix branch, 11.7 inline css when and how to use inline css, 11.8 How to start working on a responsive website, 11.9 Setup navigation bar with bootstrap for a responsive website, 11.10 Setting profiles rows padding and images, 11.11 Responsive and gap to set three two or one items, 12.2 Install Node and run node in Visual Studio Code, 12_5.1 Module overview, need for Javascript, 12_5.2 Run Javascript in browser, run Javascript in VS Code, 12_5.3 What is variable, declare a variable, see output, 12_5.4 Variable type, Numeric, String, Boolean, 12_5.5 variable name naming convention and best practice, 12_5.6 explore string case change index split, 12_5.7 integer float parseInt parseFloat type conversion, 12_5.8 Mathematical operations in JavaScript, 12_5.9 Math absolute round floor ceil random, 12_5.10 Make conditional decision, if-else, comparison, 12_5.11 Multiple conditions, fulfill both conditions, else if, 12_5.12 JavaScript Date timezone and Module Summary, 13.1 Fundamental JavaScript Module Introduction, 13.3 Array advanced, push, pop, array length, 13.4 array add and remove element from the beginning and slice, 13.5 While loop, debug JavaScript code, less or equal, 13.6 For loop, run a loop for each element of an array, 13.7 javascript switch case break and default, 13.9 Function parameter, multiple parameter, function return, 13.11 Object, key value pair, get object property, set value, 13.12 Basic JavaScript Overview, Module Summary, 13_5.2 Unit Convert Inch to Feet use variable and function, 13_5.3 variable let and const and how to use them, 13_5.4 check whether a year is a Leap Year or not, 13_5.5 Calculate Factorial of a number using for loop, 13_5.6 Calculate Factorial of a number using a while loop, 13_5.7 Calculate Factorial in a Recursive function, 13_5.8 Create a Fibonacci Series using a for loop, 13_5.9 Fibonacci Element in a Recursive Way, 13_5.10 create Fibonacci series in a recursive way, 13_5.11 Check whether a number is a Prime Number or not, 13_5.12 Apply Basic JavaScript Module Summary, 14 Javascript coding problems, Simple Interview Question, 14.2 Swap variable, swap without temp, destructing, 14.3 Random number, random number between 1 to 6, 14.4 Find max of two values, find max of three values, 14.5 Find the largest element of an array, 14.8 Count the number of words in a string, 16.1 revisit Variable, string, array, loop, 16.2 Remove confusion with function and function vs loop, 16.3 how recursion works and recursion vs iterative, 16.4 Travelling in a Jungle and counting wild animals, 16.5 Is Problem Solving Important Should I focus on it, 17 Serious Web Developer Productivity, Efficiency, Tips & Tricks, 17.1 typing practice, typing lesson, typing test, 17.2 developer question answer, Stack Overflow, weekly newsletter, 17.3 Emmet, magic to write large amount HTML and CSS, 17.4 Live server, automatic reload of the website after save, 17.5 VSCode extension, JavaScript code snippet, ES linter, 17.6 Visual Studio Code shortcut key, settings change, 17.7 VS code multi cursor and multi line edit magic, 17.8 Module Summary, keep updated about skills, 18.1 JavaScript and DOM Module Introduction, 18.2 Create Script tag and connect external Script file, 18.3 How Javascript Run and why script order is important, 18.5 Capture Elements from HTML File using getElementById, 18.6 how to use getElementsByClassName and change innerHTML, 18.7 How to use querySelector and querySelectorAll, 18.8 node, node type, nodelist, htmlcollection, setAttribute, 18.9 How to add elements to HTML using Javascript, 19 Function, addEventListener, Event bubble, 19.1 When to use a function, function inside an array, 19.2 When to return from a function and from where, 19.3 Callback function and pass different function, 19.4 arguments and deal with unknown number of arguments, 19.5 How to organize code inside a function, 19.6 What is Event, different types of event in web, 19.7 add event handler directly on an element, 19.11 Event delegate and purpose of Event bubble, 19.12 Function, Event, Event bubble module summary, 19_5 Pioneer Bank, develop a simple bank website, 19_5.1 Project overview, Transaction and balance update, 19_5.2 Project Setup, github integration, bootstrap text align, 19_5.3 Login window, input field, password text field, form control, 19_5.4 Get HTML elements by tag, class or Id, Add Event Listener, 19_5.5 CSS styles in Javascript, Dynamically hide an element, 19_5.6 Dynamically display a hidden element using Javascript, 19_5.7 Deposit, Withdraw, Balance area, add column margin, 19_5.8 Submit transaction, placeholder help text for input, 19_5.9 Deposit button event handler, capture deposit amount, 19_5.10 Get innerText using Javascript, update text dynamically, 19_5.11 Update two fields at the same time, create function, 19_5.12 Money withdraw event handler, cleaner code with function, 19_5.13 Update withdraw amount, Reduce balance for withdraw, 19_5.14 Module summary and overall project overview, 20 Shopping Cart, Develop an interactive shopping Cart, 20.1 Shopping Cart, Develop an interactive shopping Cart, 20.2 How to start a simple Javascript project, 20_5 REVISIT JAVASCRIPT AND WORK ON SHOPPING CART, 20_5.1 Module Introduction Revisit JavaScript, 20_5.2 How to learn any Programming Language, 20_5.3 How to name variable and where to declare variable, 20_5.4 conditional code format and some feedback, 20_5.5 function return data and if possible similar data, 20_5.8 shopping cart handle decrease of count, 20_5.11 Module Summary Revisit Javascript and Shopping cart, 21.1 Global vs local variable IIFE function expression vs declaration, 21.2 Four situation when you should create a function, 21.3 when and how to use arguments in a function, 21.4 when and how to use javascript callback function, 21.5 concept of event bubble and event delegation, 21.6 build a digital calculator practice problem, 22.1 Pin matcher assignment to integrate javascript, 23 Modern JavaScript, ES6, S2015, ECMASCRIPT 2015, 23.1 Module overview, ES6, github integration setup, 23.2 Let, const, array declared with const, object declared with const, 23.3 Function default parameter for not provided values, 23.4 Template String, multiple line string, 23.5 Arrow function, multiple parameter, function body, 23.6 Spread operator, concatenate multiple arrays, array max, 23.7 Class, constructor, create object from class, 23.8 Inheritance, extends class, super, class method, 24 Advanced JavaScript, Javascript Interview Questions, 24.1 Module Overview, git integration setup, 24.3 Null Vs Undefined, different ways you will get undefined, 24.5 map, filter, find, smart way to run for loop, 24.6 Apply map, filter, find on an array of objects, 24.7 Arguments, array like objects, log all array elements, 24.8 Scope, block scope, access outer scope variable, 24.9 Closure, encapsulation, private variable, 24.10 Array slice, splice, array join elements, 24_5 API JSON, Server, Data load, dynamic website, http, 24_5.1 Module overview, what you will learn from this module, 24_5.2 How internet works, DNS server, hosting server, database, 24_5.3 What is an API, the purpose of API, GET, POST, 24_5.4 JSON, JSON Structure, parse, stringify, JSON properties, 24_5.5 Load Data, JSON placeholder, GET data, display data on UI, 24_5.6 HTTP request, Status code, network tab, bad API, 24_5.7 Send data to the server, HTTP POST Method, GET Vs POST, 24_5.8 Send data to server, HTTP Post, JSON Stringify, 24_5.9 JQuery ajax, JQuery get, JQuery post, 24_5.10 Module Summary, API, Server Overview, 25 bind, call, appy, window, this, async-await, date, 25.1 multiple ways to set DOM event handler, 25.3 object use bind to borrow method from another object, 25.4 difference between bind, call and apply, 25.5 window, global variable, global scope, 25.6 new keyword, class and object difference, 25.8 async await how to use it for async call, 25.9 Asynchronous Javascript setTimeout, setInterval, 25.10 How Javascript works event loop stack and queue, 25.11 JavaScript Datetime timezone and others, 26.1 Install React using Create React App, 27 How Browser Works, browser api and methods, 27.1 Module Overview, ContentEditable, live edit, 27.2 How Browser works, DOM tree, Render Tree, 27.3 Website alert, confirmation, prompt to collect data, 27.4 URL, URL parts, query string, hash, subdomain, 27.5 document location, access href, hash, assign, 27.6 history api, back, forward, go, history length, 27.7 cookies, dev tool application tab, cookies at server, 27.8 local storage, session storage, edit storage information, 27.9 Browser clear cache, chrome extension, web store, restart, 28 JavaScript debug, web debug, dev tool mastering, 28.1 Module overview, salary app overview, git clone issues, 28.2 dev tool element tab, edit HTML, get style, device tab, 28.3 edit CSS style live, hover class, CSS box model, event handler, 28.4 sources tab, break point, call stack, console table, 28.5 console tab, preserve log, error log, console api, 28.6 network tab, request method, header, response type, 28.7 Performance tab, memory tab, Audit, application tab, 28.8 Module Summary, Deb tool debug Overview, 29.1 Javascript Things you will need in React, 30.3 Practice Problem Temperature Hot openweathermap api, 30_5.1 Debugging dev tool and bug fixing practice, 30_5.2 [optional] how to start fixing bug on a website, 31.2 Users API, Dynamic nested API and display multiple data from API, 32.1 Summary of the 10 things you have learned in Javascript, 33 Modern Front-end application core concepts, 33.1 Module overview and modern application core parts, 33.2 Web component, 4 types of component, identify component, 33.3 Template, dynamically create HTML elements based on data, 33.4 Single Page Application (SPA), Performance benefit, 33.5 Routing, Route parameter, Routing in Angular, 33.6 Website state, state management, purpose of state, 33.7 Charting framework, d3js, nvd3, chartjs, 33.8 Simple Angular Application, angular cli, routing, 34 React Fundamental, JSX, Component, props, state, lifecycle, 34.2 Install React App use create react app, 34.3 Create react app folder structure and favicon, 34.4 JSX, Dynamic content, Dynamic Style in React, 34.5 Component, 4 ways to identify a component, 34.6 Create Component, return multiple HTML from a component, 34.7 Pass dynamic data to components, props in react, 34.8 Pass object to components and access object, 34.9 Create multiple components from an array of objects, 34.11 Component state hook and set state method, 34.12 Set and update state and set event handler in React, 35.4 Angular vs react vs vue which one to learn, 35.5 Install React and React Component Recap, 35.7 How to write and destructure usestate, 35.8 Event handler state update and pass state Recap, 35.9 How React works virtual dom diff algorithm fiber, 35.10 Render multiple component from an array recap, 35.11 Load data from API using useEffect recap, 35.12 Module Summary Recap and How React Works, 36 Simple React SPA with Multiple Components, 36.2 Install react set favicon and get resources, 36.3 Editor setup, default project setup clean, 36.4 Create a component, folder structure, website logo, 36.5 Setting up logo position, navigation, nav menu, 36.6 Create Shop Component, load data and set state, 36.7 Component layout, use flexbox, setup area container, 36.8 Product Component, send dynamic data by props, 36.9 Display more information in the Product Component, 36.10 Install third party library, font awesome, react-fontawesome, 36.11 Pass eventhandler to child component and handle event, 36.12 Cart state setup and update cart state on add to cart button click, 36.13 Total Product price, shipping cost, Tax and total price, 37.1 Revision day after finishing milestone, 38.1 Ultra Nation load countries data using useEffect, 38.3 create child component and pass data, 38.4 pass multiple data to a child component, 38.6 Create shopping cart and use array reduce, 38.7 build your react app and host your react app in Netlify, 38.8 [optional] how to create fake data in Javascript, 38.9 React SPA practice to create a user collection, 39.1 Simple React SPA Assignment to build a online class website, 40.1 Explain reduce of an array with example, 40.2 Where to declare event handler and make arrow function, 41 React Bootstrap, Material UI, Axios, Rechart, 41.2 use Bootstrap in your react application, 41.3 getting started with react bootstrap, 41.5 use multiple react bootstrap component, 41.8 load data and display Material UI card, 41.9 Use reachart to draw any type of chart using React, 41.10 introduction to axios advance data loading system, 42.1 Module overview Routing Devtool and share state, 42.2 React Router, Install React Router Dom, 42.3 Setup Router, Router path, exact path not found path, 42.4 Dynamic path, set route path parameter, 42.5 Load data based on route parameter, conditional formatting, 42.6 Different ways to handle state, Make button navigate to a route, 42.7 Save state on Localstore, store key and count, virtual DOM, 42.8 Retrieve data from local storage, set cart from saved state, 42.9 Review Component, Review Items, CSS in Javascript style, 43 More Router, React Devtool, conditional format, 43.2 Remove from cart, pass parameter on click, remove from state, 43.3 Share components among multiple routes, share data on cart, 43.4 React Developer Tool, Chrome extension, Refactor add to Cart, 43.5 Sync state in multiple route, calculate total price in review page, 43.6 Please Order, Clear state, show conditional image, 43.7 Review of route dynamic parameters and useParams, 43.9 Explore more about Conditional Rendering, 44.1 project setup and react router installation, 44.2 setup simple react router with root and no match, 44.3 create route parameter and read from route parameter, 44.5 Rest Countries React Router Practice Problem, 45 Context Api, Use Reducer, Redux concepts, 45.1 Module overview about state management, 45.5 update context API from any child Component, 45.6 filter data based on dynamic context change, 46.1 how localStorage and sessionStorage works, 46.2 explain props and data flow parent to child, 46.3 useState useEffect useParams useHistory hook overview, 46.4 revisit shopping cart calculation and reduce, 47.1 Social buddy react router material ui assignment, 48.1 how to implement Facebook Like button, 48.2 handle multiple data loading style and nested data access, 48.3 Why useState useEffect are called Hook, 49 Simple React authentication using Firebase authentication, 49.1 Module Introduction, authentication vs Authorization, 49.2 Create firebase project, Google Analytics Overview, 49.3 sign in method setup and email verification template, 49.4 Create simple authentication project, firebase config, 49.5 Install firebase, initialize firebase app, 49.6 Sign in with google, open google login popup, 49.7 Set logged in user in state, display logged in user info, 50.2 Create simple login form email and password, 50.3 form field validation using regular expression, 50.5 create new user and handle error message, 50.7 Update user name and other information to firebase, 51.1 Module Introduction Auth Integration, 51.2 create login route and set login form, 51.3 create user context and set logged in user in context, 51.4 Create Private Route and set auth Redirect, 51.5 Redirect to the initial page and use Router Link, 51.6 [optional] refactor Login manager to modularize code, 51.7 [optional] more refactoring of sign in method, 51.8 implement signout and redirect from private route, 51.9 create shipment form using React hook form, 52.3 create user context to share it with multiple components, 52.4 create private route to protect a path, 52.5 another recap of firebase auth integration, 52.6 Redux Core concepts Store Action dispatch reducer, 52.7 a simple introduction of useReducer hook, 53.2 install redux and react redux in a react app, 53.3 setup a simple application to use redux, 53.4 set actions and dispatch for redux cart, 53.6 create store use react redux provider, 53.7 connect component with redux state and actions, 53.8 use redux state and redux actions from a child component, 53.10 bug fix with redux reducer and action dispatch, 53.11 Redux summary, Saga, Redux Dev Tool Chrome extension, 54.1 How to Publish a React application in Firebase, 54.2 How to start react type application as assignment, 54.3 Hot Onion Practice Problem (Router and firebase), 55 Firebase hosting and Travel Guru Assignment, 55.1 How to Handle Return Promise From A Function, 55.2 email verification password reset of an user, 55.3 useLocation destructuring in Private Route, 55.4 class Component and difference with hook, 55.5 travel guru firebase authentication assignment, 56 Node, Express, get api, post api, postman, 56.1 Module overview Introduction to Node, 56.2 Install express, start a server, your first api, 56.4 install nodemon, api return object, create multiple api, 56.5 dynamic api, api parameter, access params, access query, 56.6 use fetch to load data from server, middleware, handle cors, 56.7 create POST api, install postman, read post data, use body parser, 56.8 post data from website and read post api response, 57 Mongodb, cloud database integration, environment variable, 57.1 mongodb and mongo atlas module overview, 57.2 install mongodb, create mongodb atlas account, 57.3 connect to cloud database introduction to CRUD, 57.4 send data to database and read data from ui, 57.5 save data in database and Read all data, 57.6 load data database data and show on the UI, 57.7 Delete an item from the database from UI, 57.8 load single product from database using id, 57.9 update or modify a single item and save database, 57.10 Make CRUD operation working smoothly, 58.1 Module introduction and project setup, 58.2 Create booking field and front end setup, 58.3 create server connect mongodb and verify connection, 58.4 send data to database and store in mongodb, 58.5 load filtered data from database for a specific user, 58.6 introduce JWT token and get jwt token on client side, 58.7 verify jwt token in the server end using firebase admin, 58.8 send 401 unauthorized status and refresh token concept, 58.9 set environment variable and hide sensitive information, 59 E-commerce site Node and Mongodb integration, 59.2 connect database and create post endpoint, 59.3 insert bulk data many data to the database, 59.6 Handle Inventory and how to store image on server, 59.7 Save orders in a new data collection in mongodb, 59.8 A simple overview of node mailer to send email, 59.10 Module Summary and folder architecture, 60.1 Introduction to Heroku setup account and initial deploy, 60.2 how to publish and update heroku deployed server, 60.3 deploy client side project to firebase with server side url, 60.4 doctors porter project practice problem, 61.1 A full stack assignment Volunteer Network, 61.2 [optional] different ways to start a full stack project, 61.3 [optional] set dynamic images and columns on client side, 61.4 [optional] search and load filtered data from mongodb, 62.2 How to display a location on a Google Map, 62.3 Display Driving Direction and Route on Google Map, 62.4 Dynamically search and display travelling route on Google Map, 62.5 Display a loading spinner on a React Component, 63 Integrate Stripe Payment gateway (SSLCommerz), 63.1 Module Overview and Payment gateway introduction, 63.2 stripe account install stripe and stripe for react, 63.3 create payment Process component with simple card form, 63.4 Use detail credit card from and avoid login after page refresh, 63.5 Handle payment processing error and success, 63.6 conditional payment form and store payment data on database, 63.7 Get a high level overview of Bangladeshi Payment Gateway, 63.8 How to implement search that loads data from database, 63.9 A brief introduction to higher order component, 64.2 set navbar and header main component, 64.3 apply partial background of common components, 64.4 Set multiple business info components, 64.5 dynamically style business info and infocard, 64.6 set services and related data with style, 64.7 complete testimonials blogs and a few more components, 65.1 Module Introduction and Shared Components, 65.2 Create Appointment header and react calendar, 65.3 set bookings with selected date and style booking card, 65.4 Display a modal from on appointment click, 65.5 Style Modal form and Extract data to send to server, 65.6 Create Server to store appointment in a database, 65.7 send appointment and save to database, 65.8 set untidy dashboard with three columns, 65.9 Display appointments for the selected date, 66.1 Create Admin page to upload image to the server, 66.3 display sensitive information to admin only, 66.4 Set admin panel with limited access based on permission, 66.5 Store image directly on mongodb and display them, 66.6 A small brief about google analytics lighthouse and page performance, 67.1 Responsive App React Animation Unit Test, 67.2 Deploy doctors portal client to firebase and server to heroku, 67.3 Creative Agency Complete Website Assignment, 68 Data Structure Algorithm and Time Complexity, 68.2 Stack Data Structure with a few practical examples, 68.3 Queue Data Structure using some realistic examples, 68.4 simple Introduction to Dictionary and hash table, 68.5 Linked List code Doubly and circular Linked List Concept, 68.6 Concept of Tree Data Structure BST Depth first breadth first, 68.7 algorithm linear search and binary search, 68.8 Sorting algorithm bubble sort ascending and descending, 68.9 selection sort detail and insertion sort concept, 69.2 What is Object and What is object oriented Programming, 69.3 how to declare a class using class and function syntax, 69.4 how to declare class method and use properties from inside, 69.5 inheritance with smart device example, 69.6 Different ways to achieve encapsulation in javascript, 69.7 Understand polymorphism using a simple example, 69.9 Static method and static properties in a class, 69.10 prototypical inheritance and design pattern, 70 Interview Preparation and Get Ready to be hired, 70.1 How do you know you are ready to look for job or intern, 70.2 Five things you need to get ready for job or intern, 70.3 How to write a proper Resume to set an interview, 70.4 How utilize the power of facebook groups, 70.5 Different ways to find jobs and apply, 70.6 type of coding interview and find question pattern, 70.8 how perform well during an interview, 70.11 Module summary How to get hired as a web developer, 71.2 How to become Senior developer from junior developer, 71.3 What you will need to do to become a full stack or backend developer, 71.4 How a software team works in agile with scrum and sprint, 71.5 Airbnb JS style guide ESLint Best practices, 71.6 Revise JavaScript and Redo the assignments and practice projects, 71.8 challenge 2 air cnc with google map api, 71.9 challenge 3 whatsapp message chatting app, 71.10 Module summary with Special message and remarks. সম্পর্কে কিছু আছে elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et carousel,! 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