We planted this one, which is about a metre tall, in the front of our house with some ferns and a phormium. A good looking healthy trachycarpus . Distribution and habitat: Trachycarpus fortune is a palm native to central China, south to northern Burma and northern India, growing at altitudes of 100 to 2400m (328–7874 feet). Just taken delivery of my two large Trachycarpus Wagnerianus Palms and what beauties they are. Lovely plant arrived well packaged and in good condition, Two beautifully healthy palms, arrived quickly and could not have been better packed. Have potted for now as not easy to dig in our garden. Ce palmier a besoin d'un sol bien drainant mais restant frais. Back-fill the hole with a free draining mix. We mostly grow our own palm trees from seed here in Britain so they are fully acclimatised to our climate. Really disappointed that there was no plant care information included. I bought several from the Palm Centre 20 years ago, and they are all looking large and magnificent now. So far the leaves seem to not be affected by the wind at all. Trachycarpus wagnerianus Choose an option 2 litre 2.4 litre litre 5 litre 7 litre 9 litre 12 litre 20-25 trunk 15 litre 25- 30cm trunk 20 Litre pot approx 30cm trunk 50cm trunk 60cm trunk 70cm trunk 80cm trunk 90cm trunk 1m trunk 1.1 metre trunk 1.2m trunk 1.5m trunk Clea TRACHYCARPUS WAGNERIANUS.The Trachycarpus Wagnerianus Palm Tree or 'Waggie', is a no fuss … I love this palm. We have stock of both rare and commonly used palms in UK gardens. Trachycarpus wagnerianus. My one disappointment is that the plants received were much smaller than those pictured so they won’t go where I planned so don’t really know what to do with them, Very pleased with palm delivered quickly, packed well good value for money. Again the service was excellent and the 2 plants purchased were in excellent health. Trachycarpus; Butia and Jubaea; Other Cold Hardy Palms; Yuccas; Dasylirion and Nolinas; Agaves and Cycas revoluta; Palmbooster & Fertiliser; Palm pot range. Once bigger, the growth rate is approximately equal to the fortunei. This is a new variety to me. Many thanks to all involved! Le Trachycarpus Wagnerianus est un beau palmier du Japon. Le Genre Trachycarpus: 6 espèces (Zones tempérées, zones montagneuses de l'Asie subtropicale). Nice quality 25 ltr Dwarf Chusan arrived with several other plants ordered from the Palm Centre. Description: Trachycarpus wagnerianus formerly sometimes treated as a separate species is a small-leafed variant of Trachycarpus fortunei. It has often been treated in popular literature as a separate species - Trachycarpus wagnerianus - but is botanically identical. It is in the green house at the moment waiting for bit warmer weather before I venture out to plant it. Speedy delivery too. The growth rate is slower than the normal Trachycarpus, which could be an advantage. Consultez ici la politique de confidentialité pour en savoir plus, Rosiers, massifs fleuris, vivaces, arbustes & haies, arbres (…), Fruits, Plantes et graines potagères, agrumes, aromates, (...), Plantes fleuries, petits arbustes, potager et verger pour balcon, (...), Tulipes, Narcisses, joncquilles, Iris, Bulbes à floraison printanière ou estivale,(…), Plantes vertes, Orchidées, plantes dépolullantes, Bonsais (...), Chamaerops humilis, Palmier éventail, palmier nain, Butia capitata, Cocotier du Brésil ou palmier abricot, Washingtonia filifera, Palmier de Californie, Palmier royal, Archontophoenix alexandrae, Le Trachycarpus wagnerianus requiert une exposition au soleil ou à mi-ombre. Looks good and will look forward to seeing it grow! En effet, il supporte mal la sècheresse et les périodes de canicule. Over 1500 garden palms in stock. Be the first to … De croissance légèrement plus lente, le résultat donne un palmier d'aspect très graphique ! Thank you for your great service. D'un plus petit développement que le Trachycarpus fortunei, il sera plus adapté à une caulture en pot…. Ne dépassant pas 4/5 m de hauteur, cette plante découverte par Mr Wagner au 19ième siècle, développe des palmes également plus courtes avec des lobes dont les bouts sont plus arrondis. Trachycarpus princeps, available by Tropical Centre! Make sure you always make an informed purchasing decision. Not known from the wild, all Trachycarpus wagnerianus in cultivation are themselves from cultivated trees. Arrived well packaged. It can grow to 20 metres but it may take 60 to 70 years to reach its full height. Landscaping Ideas For Trachycarpus wagnerianus. Very pleased with them & also the free one I received with the order. Well packaged and arrived on time. Le TRACHYCARPUS wagnerianus est le petit frère du TRACHYCARPUS fortunei. It can grow at a rate of about a foot of trunk a year and despite what you may think about this tree it grows best in cooler weather and actually dislikes extreme heat. The growth rate is slow at first but after 3-4 years it grows quickly with age. When I went to plant it and removed it from the pot the soil just fell off because there was not enough root system to hold it together. Very impressed with this plant. The plant itself is lovely and very healthy and is perfect for my mother's needs. Vente en pots de 5 et 7 litres. With that said, if you want to enhance the growth rate of this slow-growing tree and ensure it remains healthy, you can feed it with a 10-10-10 slow-release fertilizer. Please make sure you leave delivery instructions, at checkout, in case you won't be at home when the courier delivers. -17°C. Trachycarpus Princeps, also called the stone gate palm. We're in a quite windy spot, which is why we ordered the dwarf version. Palmiers dioïques au feuillage persistant, à tronc unique ou formant parfois une cépée. Il est cependant réputé légèrement plus résistant au vent que le Trachycarpus fortunei. GROWTH RATES OF TRACHYCARPUS. Water Use Low Plant Overview This dioecious fan palm has a trunk up to 200mm (8in) wide and is covered in leaf base fibres. Well packed and now planted. For the outdoor plants, that are meant to be planted in the ground, the height of the pot is excluded from the measurement. Depending on the plant,some smaller ones may only put out 5 or so fronds a year while other larger plants can grow as many as 30. Consultez ici la politique de confidentialité pour en savoir plus, Plantes pour massif de printemps et d'été, Buis et plantes taillées pour balcons et terrasses, Plantes originales pour balcons et terrasses, Abris, serres, garages, rangement et étendage, Produits d'entretien et de protection mobilier de jardin, Accessoires de culture, protection, rangement, manutention, Engrais, Terreaux et Produits phytosanitaires, Insectes, maladies et traitements des plantes, Alimentation bio et naturelle pour chiens, 100/125 cm y compris stipe 20/30 cm en pot de 25 litres, 125/150 cm y compris stipe 30/40 cm en pot de 30 litres. Many thanks. The standard delivery location is the border of your property or the entrance of a communal space. An artificial first generation (F1) hybrid on a female Trachycarpus wagnerianus, hand-pollinated with Trachycarpus nanus pollen. However, Trachycarpus wagnerianus have more compact and stiff leaves making them very tolerant of exposed windy conditions. Le Trachycarpus wagnerianus requiert une exposition au soleil ou à mi-ombre. Hello -- I just ordered two of these through a grower in California, a one gallon and a five gallon, via e-bay. It can … Trachycarpus wagnerianus rate of growth??? It's been planted out through the winter months of last year. They were originally introduced into Europe from Japan early in the 19th century but have remained in comparative obscurity until recently when their qualities as garden plants were at last realised. Beautifully packed, arrived the day it was due, and a lovely lovely plant. of Species . Lovely plant and well protected for delivery, this is my third palm purchase and once again I was not disappointed. In most areas, a planted 15 gallon specimen in the garden can have five to ten feet of trunk in a decade. Delivered on time and again the palm tree is better than I could have imagined, would highly recommend. I am so happy with my waggie . Ideal for when you're looking for additional screening in your garden, these plants are fast growing and create a natural backdrop. It is moderately salt tolerant and grown near the seaside. No easy feat to get plants of this size here but everything arrived beautifully wrapped and in excellent health. 13 reviews for Trachycarpus wagnerianus. It survived very harsh frosts and it has no damage what so ever. C'est le palmier parfait pour le nord de la Loire. (old name: Trachycarpus wagnerianus, but recently corrected to a variety of the fortunei) ... As a result, it is quite popular as a container plant. first class service from the palm centre very well packed very high level of service from the palm centre. 11 years ago. The small leaves give it a jaunty and attractive look and, of course, make it easier to accommodate in smaller spaces. Growing waggie palms is a perfect choice where cold conditions might harm its popular cousin T. fortunei. Have potted it outside and so far it's doing well! A wide range of trees and shrubs, perfect for your garden. It’s a really good size and is doing great in my garden, in Sheffield, up to now! This palm grows along the Salween rivier or in Chinese "Nu Jiang" (Angry river) on heights of 1000 to 6800 m above sea level in a area that is known as the stone gate were it first was discovered. Rated 5 out of 5. We can guarantee that the plants leave our nursery disease free, but weather and local conditions might affect their survival. Trachycarpus wagnerianus. However, Trachycarpus Wagnerianus has smaller and stiffer leaves. Aujourd'hui dimanche 1 novembre 2020, faites vous plaisir grâce à notre sélection Trachycarpus wagnerianus pas cher ! Its growth is similar to its well-known relative, Trachycarpus fortunei . Very pleased with my palm tree. The specimens from The Palm Centre were the nicest I saw when researching this plant.Fabulous. Kept in adequate conditions (positioning and care), the plants are guaranteed for 3 months if they are planted in the ground or one year if they are kept in their original pots. Rated 5.00 out of 5. This is my 2nd palm I have brought from the palm center and it won't be the last. Height 6 - 10 m (20 - 33 ft ) Spread 4 m (13 ft) No. Trachycarpus wagnerianus: Common Name: Windmill Palm: Family Name: Arecaceae: Cultivars: Origin: Japan, Zone 8-11: Growth Type: Palm / Cycad: Bark Type: Leaf scars or bases: Foliage Type: Evergreen: Water Use: Low: No. Trachycarpus fortunei. Exceptional service, clear product description (with sizing reference), well packaged & finally, excellent quality plants. Excellent quality and arrived when stated. Achat Trachycarpus wagnerianus à prix discount. Trachycarpus wagnerianus has a slow rate of growth and can achieve a height of 10 feet (3 m.) at maturity. Some claim that the wagnerianus is a little less hardy than the fortunei, but not all hobbyists share this opinion. I purchased a Trachycarpus wagnerianus for my son's birthday and rang the Palm Centre for help in choosing one. So I would recommend these and the Palm Centre. Idéal en jardin venté ou froid. Trachycarpus wagnerianus is a slow-growing palm which makes it more valuable than Trachycarpus fortunei but it’s worth every penny. Luke Thurston – March 4, 2017. I look forward to seeing it mature. Roll on third time around. Bird Attractive No . Il est très rustique et adapté pour les jardins aux hivers froids. Although we brought some of our palms with us, we purchased these to make up for some beloved palms I had to leave behind on our recent house move. A wide selection of succulents, cacti, agave, and other arid plants perfectly suited for your garden. 10 on 10! In general, growth of Trachycarpus other than the dwarf species is felt to be at a medium rate. Vouchers and small boxes can be posted through the letterbox, provided there is unrestricted access to it. Would have appreciated a leaflet containing instructions for planting and caring for product. The palm's trunk grows to 9 m (30 ft) tall, or more sometimes, and is 20–25 cm (8–10 in) in diameter, when free of the leaf base fibers that tend to remain for a good while. The delivery driver was very helpful and carried the tree to the bottom of my mother's garden. This plant is native to the Himalayas (Indian side), where it can grow at altitudes of up to 2800 meters (9000 feet). Hardiness: -16°C / 3,2°F . We are very happy and would recommend The Palm Centre if you are looking for a tree of this type. Il peut également être conservé en pot de nombreuses années, et, petit plus surprenant pour ce champion du froid, il fait une bonne plante d'intérieur. For that purpose, please find our contact info in the legal notice. The product might return to stock, however there is no scheduled date. Sometimes the plants might be photographed in decorative pots. Very pleased. It’s going to well at home here on the Isles of Scilly. From £ 59.95 Select options; Trachycarpus fortunei. I live in the East Anglian Fens so get harsh cold winds but all my palms have stood well and even the 'Beast from the East' had not effect on them whatsoever. Ne manquez pas de découvrir toute l’étendue de notre offre à prix cassé. Conseils de plantation . Most palms need tropical or subtropical temperatures, but there are some suitable for planting outdoors in the British Isles. Le palmier miniature de Chusan (Trachycarpus wagnerianus) est une espèce de palmier de la famille des Arecaceae probablement originaire du Japon mais toutefois son origine reste incertaine. Very well wrapped without excessive packaging. The European olive tree is an unmistakable signature plant for travelers in the Mediterranean parts of the world, where it has been grown for centuries for its oil and fruit production. Try to dig a hole a good deal bigger than the root-ball, which should be given a good soak before planting. Prompt deliver, well packaged with plant in an excellent condition. A semi-dwarf cultivar group Wagnerianus has been selected in Japan; it differs in slower growth, with smaller leaves with stiffer leaflets 20-30 cm long, and a trunk just 15 cm diameter. A friend bought me this palm from the palm centre last summer and its growing very rapidly. Download the full guide in PDF format >>>. With items such as ferns, juvenile tree ferns and herbaceous plants it is difficult to give the exact size of each species when such a wide range of plants are grown so we specify standard pot sizes to give an indication of the size and/or age of the plant you are buying. Mine are about 15 feet tall after 20 years. Palm Seeds; Email. However, the sizes of the plants are similar in height and spread. The striking thing about Waggies is their small and stiff leaves, much tougher and more wind tolerant than 'regular' Trachycarpus fortunei, which it may well usurp in popularity as it becomes more widely available. Sometimes the pot size might vary slightly from the standard or we might listed as 2-3 litre pot, depending on the growers we purchased them from. Very pleased & will definitely purchase from the Palm Centre again. Thank you Palm Centre. Lovely palm as always from the palm centre. Delighted with my new palm! Ouvrez les portes du plus beau magasin du Web ! However, please bear in mind that our plants are kept in plastic nursery pots. Again, a top class service, from placing the order, prompt safe delivery and excellent product. Shade and moisture loving plants, that impress by their intricate frond design. Ce palmier (sélectionné par l’homme) est le cousin du Trachycarpus fortunei. Would very highly recommend using The Palm Centre. It was well packaged and the palm was healthy and green. Larger than expected, very healthy and looks stunning on the decking, thank you. They were so well wrapped it took me an hour to very carefully unwrap them. Arrived earlier than expected in excellent condition - will be buying more from yourselves. please get in touch with us. Fleurs en coupe entourées de bractées en gobelet, blanches ou brunes. If other arrangements need to be made, please get in touch with us as soon as the order is placed. The height is measured from the top of the pot to the tallest leaf or branch of the plant. Delivery and packing was efficient. It is one of the hardiest palms growing in the mountains of southern China. They have shrugged off the harsh winters with no problems at all. New growth is margined with a short but dense white woolly tomentum. Thank you Palm Centre and the great guy who delivered them. If palm was a bit bigger and a better root system it would be a 10/10 purchase but because of these slight issues it's a 7/10. beautiful plants arrived quickly and in excellent condition. Trachycarpus wagnerianus Identification Sheet Origin From horticulture in Japan Genus Trachycarpus Species / Cultivar wagnerianus Common name(s) Waggy, Dwarf Chusan Palm Situation Sun or part shade, moist rich, well-drained soil Eventual height 5-6m Eventual spread 2m Hardiness Hardy to -15C or lower Skill level Easy Thank you Palm Centre, My plants were received very well packaged and healthy. Because of its small size, it is more tolerant of windy sites than normal plants. Sa particularité : il s’adapte à tous les climats de France. Il supporte des températures négatives de -18°C. The plant arrived on the day stated and was well packed and protected. Trachycarpus wagnerianus. Very happy with the palm trees well packaged and delivered when said very happy with service. I purchased the 7ltr pot. De plus, il n'a pas besoin de beaucoup de chaleur pour démarrer sa phase de croissance (15 à 20°C suffisent) . It's now in my front garden, where its hardiness to cold winds will certainly be tested! The plants that leave our nursery are in the best condition, free of disease. The crown is rounded with many divided circular glossy green fronds and the small male or female flowers appear in pendant cluster during summer. I purchased a Trachycarpus wagnerianus for my mother on-line. Arrived promptly and in very good condition. Le Trachycarpus wagnerianus est l'un des palmiers les plus rustiques. Great service. Hybride, souvent appelé takagii, entre un Trachycarpus wagnerianus et un Trachycarpus fortunei, donnant des palmes plus fermes que le fortunei et plus longues que le wagnerianus. Beautiful plant, lovely shape & very sturdy. If planting during a dry spell, water the hole first, allow to drain, plant, back-fill, and then water again. Unlike what its common name suggests, it is not miniature, as it can reach with age up to 30 ft. 10 m. Position: Sun or part shade. Rate of growth: fast. All nicely packed, delivered on a pallet. All plants are measured when brought to our nursery, however, due to natural factors, the actual size of the plant might change over time due to adjustments to the environment. Due to the nature of the consignments, the courier's drivers are not insured to carry goods through your property. Soil: well-drained, fertile soil. Scientific name: Trachycarpus Wagnerianus grows 25-30 ft tall 6 ft wide, single trunk Minimum temp 22°F, zone 7-11 part shade to full sun, slow growth rate regular watering, any soil that drains well drought tolerant, only mildly salt tolerant The plants arrived well wrapped up and they are amazing ...this is the third time I have ordered from the palm centre and it keeps getting better ...I'm just waiting for a plant to be in stock so I can order again. Découvrez tous les avantages de ce palmier. Rated 5.00 out of 5. Would highly recommend company and will buy again. Trachycarpus wagnerianus. If you need more information regarding availability date or stocks, It is much more compact than Trachycarpus fortunei particularly the fronds suitable for small gardens. Superb plants better quality and size than I expected and delivered the next day and very well protected with the packaging. The leaves look perfect - much more so than the standard Trachycar. Il est particulièrement adapté aux petits jardins de ville par son encombrement moindre en largeur que son cousin le Trachycarpus fortunei. I bought a beautiful one last year. They look like nice, healthy plants -- had photos of the actual plants for sale posted. Current products. Please note that orders containing indoor plants might be rescheduled at a short notice due to very cold weather that might adversely affect plants while in transit. It easily withstands temperatures of -13 ° C. For hobbyists looking for something special, we have the Trachycarpus princeps in our collection. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Essentials for every modern British garden, grasses and herbaceous provide a blend of fresh greenery throughout the year. The palm was slightly smaller then expected and the root system was not a 7lt pot tree. Water thoroughly. Trachycarpus wagnerianus is much more wind resistant than other species of Trachycarpus therefore, it is recommended for windy positions in the garden, parks and streets. Orders received between 17th of December 2020 to 4th of January 2021 will be dispatched after the 4th of January 2021. Very pleased with purchase and speedy delivery. From £ 19.95 Select options; Primary Sidebar. Hardy palms are invaluable as structural plants in tropical-style gardens and look effective when planted with bananas, bamboos and New Zealand flax. I have two of these, had them since 2015, always green, always happy, I bubble wrap the trunks in winter for protection and keep them on during spring to keep the birds from robbing them for nesting material. Mike Kincaid 4,146,036 views I bought 3 wagnerius palms and the quality is absolutely superb - very happy with my purchases indeed. Having made my first purchase with The Palm Centre and experienced such excellent service and a really healthy plant, I decided almost immediately to have a second go. Mature trunk, with leaf base fibers. Pour les jeunes sujets de 4/5 feuilles, on taillera simplement l'extrémité des feuilles jaunies. Been treated in popular literature as a separate species is a perfect choice cold... Service was excellent and the quality is absolutely superb - very happy with service wo n't be the first …... Glossy green fronds and the quality is absolutely superb - very happy with purchases. Or branch of the consignments, the slowest growth rates are seen with small seedlings or plants ( F1 hybrid... With many divided circular glossy green fronds and the root system was not a pot. Structural plants in tropical-style gardens and look effective when planted with bananas, and! Plus petites et rigides of our house with some ferns and a phormium, taillera... 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